

Group Industry

Luli Group was founded in 1985 and has now developed into a large enterprise group that integrates high-quality seamless steel pipes and high-end special steel forging, ecological wood industry and home intelligent manufacturing, import and export trade and modern logistics, new energy utilization such as photovoltaic power generation and gas power generation, environmental protection and energy-saving utilization such as sewage purification and waste resource recycling. It has been selected as one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises!


Group Industry

Luli Group was founded in 1985 and has now developed into a large enterprise group that integrates high-quality seamless steel pipes and high-end special steel forging, ecological wood industry and home intelligent manufacturing, import and export trade and modern logistics, new energy utilization such as photovoltaic power generation and gas power generation, environmental protection and energy-saving utilization such as sewage purification and waste resource recycling. It has been selected as one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises!


Customer Service

Luli firmly believes that customers are the company's resources, foundation, and lifeline, and customer satisfaction is the only standard of Luli's service.

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